Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Color Sketch

So Ronery.

Value Sketch 2

Another environment thumbnail.

Value Sketch

Thumbnail sketch for a possible environment.


Little quick sketches for practice done from the site isketch. Just getting myself away from all the tools in photoshop and working in small dimensions with a single brush tool with no pressure settings.


WIP of possible designs for a gladiator type warrior.

Desert Sketch

Quick color sketch for practice.

Color Comp

Really quick color thumbnails.


Sketch for a possible trap in the dungeon.

Dungeon Entrance

A quick layout for reference with textures and possible game play in mind. This area could possibly be the area after encountering the seals.

Seal Color Comp

Used one of the previous seals as a base to create a rough composition.

Sketches and Silhouettes

Little quick ideations for some sort of overgrown stone seal. I often like to start with silhouettes and then begin to detail my favorite ones.


A WIP practicing in a slightly different style.